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What are the alternatives to have XML Schema 1.1 support by JAXB?

I am getting error while generating Java from WSDL. I wanted to use XML Schema's 1.1 feature (xsd:assert). It is asserting if an element is available in the Web Service Request.

 <xsd:assert test="(count(InstanceDetail[@OrderCodeType eq 'OFFERID']) eq 1)" />

I am using Apache CXF v 2.6.1. I am getting an error while using mvn generate-sources option:

Thrown by JAXB: Unexpected <xsd:assert> appears at line 200 column 3 of schema file:

Researching upon the error, I found out that JAXB only supports XML Schema 1.0 and this feature is available in XML Schema 1.1. If it is true, what are the other options do I have?

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user1555524 Avatar asked Jan 26 '15 21:01


2 Answers

No, current version of JAXB does not support XSD 1.1. See these issues, for instance:

  • https://java.net/jira/browse/JAXB-994
  • https://java.net/jira/browse/JAXB-967


Concerning the solution. Me personally, I'd run an XSLT which would strip all the XSD 1.1. features and return vanilla XSD 1.0 as the result and compile that with JAXB. Not sure how to do this technically with CXF, though.

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lexicore Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 02:11


You could always use schematron (http://schematron.com/) on top of XSD 1.0. It's a bit tricky but by doing so you will have the conditional validation features of XSD 1.1 and compatibility with the XSD parser.

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Georgios Markakis Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 02:11

Georgios Markakis