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What are Alternative's "some" and "many" useful for?

Alternative, an extension of Applicative, declares empty, <|> and these two functions:

One or more:

some :: f a -> f [a] 

Zero or more:

many :: f a -> f [a] 

If defined, some and many should be the least solutions of the equations:

some v = (:) <$> v <*> many v  many v = some v <|> pure [] 

I couldn't find an instance for which some and many are defined. What is their meaning and practical use? Are they used at all? I've been unable to grasp their purpose just from this definition.

Update: I'm not asking what is Alternative, just what are some and many

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Petr Avatar asked Aug 07 '13 16:08


People also ask

What is the use of much and many?

Use much if the noun is non-countable (e.g., water, sand). Use many if the noun is countable (e.g., oranges, children). For example: I don't have much money.

How do you use some and any?

The Main Difference Between SOME and ANY As a general rule, we use 'some' for affirmative sentences, and 'any' for questions or negative sentences. Usually, both 'some' and 'any' can only be used with countable plural nouns or uncountable nouns. For example, “I have some questions.”

How do you use many?

We use many to refer to a large number of something countable. We most commonly use it in questions and in negative sentences: Were there many children at the party? I don't have many relatives.

What to use with uncountable nouns?

Uncountable nouns are used with a singular verb. They usually do not have a plural form.

1 Answers

TL;DR: some is one or more, many is 0 or more results collected from performing the same computation over and over by the familiar maximal munch rule. For this to make sense, some state passing (and alteration) must take place reducing the domain of possibilities somehow, otherwise it will repeat ad infinitum. And state passing and parsing are closely related.

An elementary example instance: with

import Control.Monad(Functor(..)) import Control.Applicative import Data.Char  -- char string parser newtype P a = P { runP :: String -> [(a,String)] }  -- runP (P p) s = p s  instance Functor P where   -- fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b   fmap f (P q) = P (\s -> [ (f y,ys) | (y,ys) <- q s])  instance Applicative P where   -- pure :: a -> f a   pure x = P (\s -> [(x,s)])   -- (<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b   P p <*> P q = P (\s -> [(x y, ys) | (x,xs) <- p s, (y,ys) <- q xs])  letter = P p where      -- sample parser   p (x:xs) | isAlpha x = [(x,xs)]   p _ = [] 

we have

*Main Data.Char> runP letter "123" [] *Main Data.Char> runP letter "a123" [('a',"123")] *Main Data.Char> runP ( (:) <$> letter <*> pure []) "a123" [("a","123")] *Main Data.Char> runP ( (:) <$> letter <*> ((:)<$>letter <*> pure []) ) "a123" [] *Main Data.Char> runP ( (:) <$> letter <*> ((:)<$>letter <*> pure []) ) "ab123" [("ab","123")]   -- NOT NICE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -} 

Then, with

instance Alternative P where   -- (<|>) :: f a -> f a -> f a   P p <|> P q = P (\s-> p s ++ q s)   -- empty :: f a   -- the identity of <|>   empty = P (\s-> []) 

we get

*Main Data.Char> runP (many letter) "ab123" [("ab","123"),("a","b123"),("","ab123")] *Main Data.Char> runP (some letter) "ab123" [("ab","123"),("a","b123")]  *Main Data.Char> runP (optional letter) "ab123" [(Just 'a',"b123"),(Nothing,"ab123")] *Main Data.Char> runP (optional letter) "123" [(Nothing,"123")]  Prelude Main Data.Traversable> runP (sequenceA $ replicate 2 letter) "ab123" [("ab","123")]               --  NICE  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -} 
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Will Ness Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 10:10

Will Ness