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Web Usability: Save and Cancel ... or ... Cancel and Save?



Windows and OS X have always bumped heads on this, but what is the general concensus on whether a Save button or Cancel button goes first in a web application?

[Save] [Cancel]


[Cancel] [Save]

Note: I have these buttons at the top of the form flush to the right.

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Keith Adler Avatar asked May 14 '10 17:05

Keith Adler

People also ask

Should cancel be left or right?

So 'Cancel' is always on the right of OK button for Windows platform. Apple MacOS Guidelines says that “A button that initiates an action is furthest to the right. The Cancel button is to the left of this button.” So for MacOS users 'Cancel' is on the left of 'OK' button.

What is the difference between cancel and close?

What is the difference between Canceling and Closing a Sales Order? On a sales order you have the option to either "cancel" or "close" the order. A sales order can be "cancelled" if it has no completed invoices against it. If the order does have completed invoices against it, the order can be "closed."

What should cancel button do?

What does the Cancel button do exactly? It dismisses the user's current screen and brings them back to their previous screen. This dismissive button is a safeguard to prevent unwanted changes to the system.

Is a Cancel button necessary?

Because Back is such a strong behavior on the Web, it is usually not necessary to offer explicit Cancel buttons. If the user asks for something but doesn't want it, then you can be sure that it's Back button time. Offer a Cancel button when users may fear that they have committed to something they want to avoid.

4 Answers

Follow the principle of least astonishment: do it the Windows way ([Save] [Cancel]) unless you have reason to believe that Mac users make up a greater portion of your user base.

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phenry Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09


The key here is that we are talking "web" usability. To that point, I think it is pretty clear that the principal of least astonishment referenced in the accepted answer would suggest that right is the forward action (save) and left is the backwards action (cancel), and not what the accepted answer suggests.

The web browser is the user interface web users are most accustomed to, and 15+ years of web browsing has made it pretty clear that the back button is to the left of the forward button. It also jives with the left to right based languages that the web was initially developed for. The right is where you are going, the left is where you have been.

Even in general computer vernacular, a forward slash, /, leans right while a back slash, \, leans left.

The windows UI is the outlier here, and I think it is a poor decision to base your UI design on Microsoft's precedence.

I might point out that your top right corner positioning of the two buttons is non-standard, but I don't think it bears on the ordering of the buttons themselves.

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Michael Oryl Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09

Michael Oryl

Instinctively I always put the Save button as the rightmost element.

I think there are other things to consider. Primarily whether a Cancel button is actually needed, or whether another element (such as a breadcrumb trail pointing to the previous page) might be more appropriate.

Edit: http://www.lukew.com/resources/articles/web_forms.html - The section 'Primary and Secondary Actions' shows how visual weighting can be used to good effect as well.

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Nathan Gaskin Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09

Nathan Gaskin

For all the heated arguments this issue can generate, it doesn’t seem to make much difference in actual human performance. The advantages and disadvantages of each work out to a wash. Users appear equally likely to expect Cancel on either the left or right in web forms. There appears to be a bias to favor Cancel on the left if the buttons are widely separated, but you don’t want to do that since putting the Execute button the far right is associated with slow responses and high error rates on web forms.

I’d say the most important thing is to be internally consistent in you app, and be sure Cancel is always labeled “Cancel” (not, say, “Return” like I saw in one web app). Otherwise, put the buttons next to each other and near the last field the user will look at (which is probably not in the upper right of the form).

And don’t worry about it too much.

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Michael Zuschlag Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09

Michael Zuschlag