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Is it ok not to have a button for a search box?

I was wondering if it was ever ok not to have a submit button (Ok, Go or Search for example) near a search box in Web pages.

I know that hitting enter is much faster and that it will perform the search.

However, is it an accepted convention for the average non tech savvy user or only for the tech community?

For example, the search box here at stackoverflow doesn't have a submit button, but I don't think anyone is complaining (and I sure don't).

On the other hand, someone suggested using Google as an example: would people notice if the buttons were removed?

I just started reading Don't Make Me Think by Steve Krug and he mentions that every search box should have something that tells me I can click on it to launch the search.

Your thoughts?

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mbillard Avatar asked Feb 24 '09 13:02


People also ask

Do I need a search button?

According to research, if a website offers a search feature, 59 percent of visitors will take advantage of it. In fact, they prefer it over a hierarchical navigation menu. If anything, adding a search bar will enhance the user experience. Some would argue that not every website needs to have a search feature.

How do I add a Search button to a textbox?

An alternative method is to position the button absolutely and attach it to the right. A benefit of this is that you can more easily implement the focus/active border around the text box. You can get around the text under the button issue by giving padding-right to the text box.

2 Answers

Why you should have a button:

  • Not everyone knows they can hit enter, so you are leaving some less savvy people out in the cold.
  • Some devices like phones and consoles may not have a way to submit without a button. The PC based browser is still dominant but don't assume it is the only way people access your site.

You may not have a button if (both conditions must be satisfied):

  • Your audience is tech savvy (as on SO)
  • You provide a visual cue that the search box actually is a search box
    • By adding text inside it mentioning it should be used to search
    • By adding an icon inside the box

Generally I would think that hitting enter is a shortcut to submit rather than the primary means.

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2 revs, 2 users 61% Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 04:09

2 revs, 2 users 61%

I think it depends on your target market. If you are StackOverflow it's not too hard too think they know how to use a browser (using a back button on a browser to navigate is a similair design convention) and pressing Enter = submit for search.

However if your target market is say mechanics (no offence to mechanics) that don't use a browser/computer often then look at how Google does it (and they target the broadest scope) - they have a button to submit.

There is a middle ground you could look at, which is have a water mark like StackOverflow which tells users "Click here, type in search values and press enter to search" - or something like that (hopefully shorter) where you actually catering for users of all levels.

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Robert MacLean Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 04:09

Robert MacLean