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Vuex: Access State From Another Module

state references local state and rootState should be used when accessing the state of other modules.

let session = context.rootState.instance.session;

Documentation: https://vuex.vuejs.org/en/modules.html

from an action :

'contacts:update' ({ commit, rootState }) {
    console.log('rootState', rootState.users.form)


For me I had vuex modules, but needed a mutation to update STATE in a different file. Was able to accomplish this by adding THIS

Even in the module you can see what global state you have access to via console.log(this.state)

const mutations = {
MuteChangeAmt(state, payload) {
//From user module; Need THIS keyword to access global state
this.state.user.payees.amount = payload.changedAmt;

In my case, this is how it worked for me.

In file ModuleA.js:

export const state = {
    parameterInA: 'A'
export const action = {
    showParameterB() {
    console.log("Parameter B is: " + this.state.B.parameterInB)

In file ModuleB:

export const state = {
    parameterInB: 'B'

export const action = {
    showParameterA() {
    console.log("Parameter A is: " + this.state.A.parameterInA)

You will need to import ModuleA & B in the index.js for the root:

import * as A from 'ModuleA.js'  
import * as B from 'ModuleB.js'

This way, state parameter can be cross-referenced in sub modules.