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Connecting to TCP Socket from browser using javascript

As for your problem, currently you will have to depend on XHR or websockets for this.

Currently no popular browser has implemented any such raw sockets api for javascript that lets you create and access raw sockets, but a draft for the implementation of raw sockets api in JavaScript is under-way. Have a look at these links:

Chrome now has support for raw TCP and UDP sockets in its ‘experimental’ APIs. These features are only available for extensions and, although documented, are hidden for the moment. Having said that, some developers are already creating interesting projects using it, such as this IRC client.

To access this API, you’ll need to enable the experimental flag in your extension’s manifest. Using sockets is pretty straightforward, for example:

chrome.experimental.socket.create('tcp', '', 8080, function(socketInfo) {
  chrome.experimental.socket.connect(socketInfo.socketId, function (result) {
        chrome.experimental.socket.write(socketInfo.socketId, "Hello, world!");         

This will be possible via the navigator interface as shown below:

navigator.tcpPermission.requestPermission({remoteAddress:"", remotePort:6789}).then(
  () => {
    // Permission was granted
    // Create a new TCP client socket and connect to remote host
    var mySocket = new TCPSocket("", 6789);

    // Send data to server
    mySocket.writeable.write("Hello World").then(
        () => {

            // Data sent sucessfully, wait for response
            console.log("Data has been sent to server");
                ({ value, done }) => {
                    if (!done) {
                        // Response received, log it:
                        console.log("Data received from server:" + value);

                    // Close the TCP connection
        e => console.error("Sending error: ", e)

More details are outlined in the w3.org tcp-udp-sockets documentation.



Another alternative is to use Chrome Sockets

Creating connections

chrome.sockets.tcp.create({}, function(createInfo) {
    IP, PORT, onConnectedCallback);

Sending data

chrome.sockets.tcp.send(socketId, arrayBuffer, onSentCallback);

Receiving data

chrome.sockets.tcp.onReceive.addListener(function(info) {
  if (info.socketId != socketId)
  // info.data is an arrayBuffer.

You can use also attempt to use HTML5 Web Sockets (Although this is not direct TCP communication):

var connection = new WebSocket('ws://IPAddress:Port');

connection.onopen = function () {
  connection.send('Ping'); // Send the message 'Ping' to the server


Your server must also be listening with a WebSocket server such as pywebsocket, alternatively you can write your own as outlined at Mozilla

ws2s project is aimed at bring socket to browser-side js. It is a websocket server which transform websocket to socket.

ws2s schematic diagram

enter image description here

code sample:

var socket = new WS2S("wss://ws2s.feling.io/").newSocket()

socket.onReady = () => {
  socket.connect("feling.io", 80)
  socket.send("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: feling.io\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n")

socket.onRecv = (data) => {
  console.log('onRecv', data)

See jsocket. Haven't used it myself. Been more than 3 years since last update (as of 26/6/2014).

* Uses flash :(

From the documentation:

<script type='text/javascript'>
    // Host we are connecting to
    var host = 'localhost'; 
    // Port we are connecting on
    var port = 3000;

    var socket = new jSocket();

    // When the socket is added the to document 
    socket.onReady = function(){
            socket.connect(host, port);             

    // Connection attempt finished
    socket.onConnect = function(success, msg){
                    // Send something to the socket
                    socket.write('Hello world');            
                    alert('Connection to the server could not be estabilished: ' + msg);            
    socket.onData = function(data){
            alert('Received from socket: '+data);   

    // Setup our socket in the div with the id="socket"