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using lodash .groupBy. how to add your own keys for grouped output?

You can do it like this in both Underscore and Lodash (3.x and 4.x).

var data = [{
  "name": "jim",
  "color": "blue",
  "age": "22"
}, {
  "name": "Sam",
  "color": "blue",
  "age": "33"
}, {
  "name": "eddie",
  "color": "green",
  "age": "77"

    // Group the elements of Array based on `color` property
    // `key` is group's name (color), `value` is the array of objects
    .map((value, key) => ({ color: key, users: value }))
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.15/lodash.min.js"></script>

Original Answer

var result = _.chain(data)
    .map(function(currentItem) {
        return _.object(_.zip(["color", "users"], currentItem));

Online Demo

Note: Lodash 4.0 onwards, the .pairs function has been renamed to _.toPairs()

Isn't it this simple?

var result = _(data)
            .groupBy(x => x.color)
            .map((value, key) => ({color: key, users: value}))

Highest voted answer uses Lodash _.chain function which is considered a bad practice now "Why using _.chain is a mistake."

Here is a fewliner that approaches the problem from functional programming perspective:

import tap from "lodash/fp/tap";
import flow from "lodash/fp/flow";
import groupBy from "lodash/fp/groupBy";

const map = require('lodash/fp/map').convert({ 'cap': false });

const result = flow(
      map((users, color) => ({color, users})),

Where input is an array that you want to convert.

another way

    .map((users, color) => ({ users, color }))

Thanks @thefourtheye, your code greatly helped. I created a generic function from your solution using the version 4.5.0 of Lodash.

function groupBy(dataToGroupOn, fieldNameToGroupOn, fieldNameForGroupName, fieldNameForChildren) {
            var result = _.chain(dataToGroupOn)
             .map(function (currentItem) {
                 return _.zipObject([fieldNameForGroupName, fieldNameForChildren], currentItem);
            return result;

To use it:

var result = groupBy(data, 'color', 'colorId', 'users');

Here is the updated fiddler;
