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Best practice for localization and globalization of strings and labels [closed]

People also ask

Which comes first localization or globalization?

Globalization is often the process that needs to happen before content can be localized, although the process does not stop once localization begins.

Which is better localization or globalization?

Localization makes a resource accessible to an audience of a specific locale, while globalization makes a resource accessible by people from different cultures and locales. Localization conveys value to a specific audience, while globalization makes a resource acceptable by people from different cultures and locales.

How is localization related to globalization?

Localization: Addressing the Language and Cultural BarriersWhile globalization is driven by integrating cultural and economic systems, localization is concerned with bridging language barriers for global customers. This goes beyond simply translating content.

As far as I know, there's a good library called localeplanet for Localization and Internationalization in JavaScript. Furthermore, I think it's native and has no dependencies to other libraries (e.g. jQuery)

Here's the website of library: http://www.localeplanet.com/

Also look at this article by Mozilla, you can find very good method and algorithms for client-side translation: http://blog.mozilla.org/webdev/2011/10/06/i18njs-internationalize-your-javascript-with-a-little-help-from-json-and-the-server/

The common part of all those articles/libraries is that they use a i18n class and a get method (in some ways also defining an smaller function name like _) for retrieving/converting the key to the value. In my explaining the key means that string you want to translate and the value means translated string.
Then, you just need a JSON document to store key's and value's.

For example:

var _ = document.webL10n.get;

And here the JSON:

{ test: "blah blah" }

I believe using current popular libraries solutions is a good approach.

When you’re faced with a problem to solve (and frankly, who isn’t these days?), the basic strategy usually taken by we computer people is called “divide and conquer.” It goes like this:

  • Conceptualize the specific problem as a set of smaller sub-problems.
  • Solve each smaller problem.
  • Combine the results into a solution of the specific problem.

But “divide and conquer” is not the only possible strategy. We can also take a more generalist approach:

  • Conceptualize the specific problem as a special case of a more general problem.
  • Somehow solve the general problem.
  • Adapt the solution of the general problem to the specific problem.

- Eric Lippert

I believe many solutions already exist for this problem in server-side languages such as ASP.Net/C#.

I've outlined some of the major aspects of the problem

  • Issue: We need to load data only for the desired language

    Solution: For this purpose we save data to a separate files for each language

ex. res.de.js, res.fr.js, res.en.js, res.js(for default language)

  • Issue: Resource files for each page should be separated so we only get the data we need

    Solution: We can use some tools that already exist like https://github.com/rgrove/lazyload

  • Issue: We need a key/value pair structure to save our data

    Solution: I suggest a javascript object instead of string/string air. We can benefit from the intellisense from an IDE

  • Issue: General members should be stored in a public file and all pages should access them

    Solution: For this purpose I make a folder in the root of web application called Global_Resources and a folder to store global file for each sub folders we named it 'Local_Resources'

  • Issue: Each subsystems/subfolders/modules member should override the Global_Resources members on their scope

    Solution: I considered a file for each

Application Structure


The corresponding code for the files:


var res = {
    Create : "Create",
    Update : "Save Changes",
    Delete : "Delete"


var res = {
    Create : "créer",
    Update : "Enregistrer les modifications",
    Delete : "effacer"

The resource file for the desired language should be loaded on the page selected from Global_Resource - This should be the first file that is loaded on all the pages.


res.Name = "Name";
res.UserName = "UserName";
res.Password = "Password";


res.Name = "nom";
res.UserName = "Nom d'utilisateur";
res.Password = "Mot de passe";


// Override res.Create on Global_Resources/default.js
res.Create = "Create User"; 


// Override Global_Resources/default.fr.js
res.Create = "Créer un utilisateur";

manager.js file (this file should be load last)

res.lang = "fr";

var globalResourcePath = "Global_Resources";
var resourceFiles = [];

var currentFile = globalResourcePath + "\\default" + res.lang + ".js" ;

    currentFile = globalResourcePath + "\\default.js" ;
if(!IsFileExist(currentFile)) throw new Exception("File Not Found");


// Push parent folder on folder into folder
foreach(var folder in parent folder of current page)
    currentFile = folder + "\\Local_Resource\\default." + res.lang + ".js";

        currentFile = folder + "\\Local_Resource\\default.js";
    if(!IsExist(currentFile)) throw new Exception("File Not Found");


for(int i = 0; i < resourceFiles.length; i++) { Load.js(resourceFiles[i]); }

// Get current page name
var pageNameWithoutExtension = "SomePage";

currentFile = currentPageFolderPath + pageNameWithoutExtension + res.lang + ".js" ;

    currentFile = currentPageFolderPath + pageNameWithoutExtension + ".js" ;
if(!IsExist(currentFile)) throw new Exception("File Not Found");

Hope it helps :)

jQuery.i18n is a lightweight jQuery plugin for enabling internationalization in your web pages. It allows you to package custom resource strings in ‘.properties’ files, just like in Java Resource Bundles. It loads and parses resource bundles (.properties) based on provided language or language reported by browser.

to know more about this take a look at the How to internationalize your pages using JQuery?