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Visual Studio refuses to forget breakpoints?

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Why does Visual Studio not stop at breakpoint?

This problem occurs because ASP.NET debugging isn't enabled on the application.

How do I remove breakpoints in Visual Studio?

Visual Studio ask for a confirmation dialog to re-ensure if you really want to remove all the breakpoints. Once you select the “Delete All Breakpoints” option / press Ctrl+Shift+F9 from the debug menu, it will ask for for the confirmation “Do you want to delete all breakpoints?”

How do you remove all breakpoints in VS code?

action. removeAllBreakpoints that you could set to your own keybinding. { "key": "alt+b", "command": "workbench. debug.

Why breakpoints are not working?

If a source file has changed and the source no longer matches the code you're debugging, the debugger won't set breakpoints in the code by default. Normally, this problem happens when a source file is changed, but the source code wasn't rebuilt. To fix this issue, rebuild the project.

go to Debug menu then Delete All Breakpoints Ctrl+Shift+F9

The problem is that child breakpoints of your breakpoints persist. Child breakpoints are created (in certain situations) when setting breakpoints during a debug session.

A surefire way of deleting a breakpoint (and children) is to manually look for it in the breakpoint window, and delete it from there. (Select the top node of the entry, hit Delete.)

If you're running an (old) version of Visual Studio that supports VBScript macros, you could run the macro posted here (between debug sessions), to remove child breakpoints. This will make removing breakpoints by clicking the glyph somewhat more effective and predictable, but it continues to be problematic and awkward.

I was struggling to find the 'BreakPoints Window'.So here's the quick way to open it- ctrl+alt+B

enter image description here

Or you can manually go to 'Debug->Windows->Breakpoints' to open it.

enter image description here

Or you can hit ctrl+shift+F9 to delete all breakpoints at once!

There are some answers here, but in my opinion proposed actions are distractive to use during debugging (I don't want to lose my focus).

My flow with sticky breakpoints during breakpoints is as follows:

During debug, DISABLE the breakpoint instead of removing it.

Possible ways of disabling a breakpoint:

  • hover with cursor and click the two cycle icon;
  • or use context menu on it;
  • or keyboard short-cut CTRL+F9 (not Shift+CTRL+F9, as it clears all breakpoints).

Later on, during development, I remove a disabled breakpoint when I see one.

PS. It's also a good practice to remove all breakpoints once in a while.