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Is there a way to quickly find files in Visual Studio 2010?

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How do I Find files in Visual Studio?

The new experience is available by searching for “Find in Files” or “Replace in Files” in Visual Studio search (Ctrl+Q by default). You can also get to these commands with Ctrl+Shift+F and Ctrl+Shift+H respectively.

How do I search an entire folder in Visual Studio?

Press Ctrl-Shift-F to open "Find in Files". Enter your search term, then press Tab to forward the cursor to the "Look in" field.

How do I search an entire project in Visual Studio?

Find in Files (Ctrl+Shift+F): A more robust option, Find in Files is better for searching entire projects or solutions. Unlike Quick Find, Find in Files can list search results in the Find Results window and has additional options to specify which file extensions to search.


I'm surprised no one gave the right answer:

Navigate To can show you a list of open files and lots more. http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2009/10/21/searching-and-navigating-code-in-vs-2010-vs-2010-and-net-4-0-series.aspx

CTRL+COMMA is your friend.

Ctrl + Alt + A opens the command window, type "open" then start typing file names and it will dynamically autocomplete by available solution file name.

I use Ctrl + / to jump to the command bar (same as the search box, but with a > prefixed in the text). I then type "of" (for "open file") and start typing the name of the file to open. Possibly matches are automatically displayed by VS.

I also found that when using ReSharper, the familiar Eclipse shortcut for Open Type (Ctrl + Shift + T) is mapped to ReSharper's GotoFile command.

There is also another way to find files in the Visual Studio 2010 might be useful for someone.

In the command box in visual studio toolbar type ">of " and start typing the file name it will prompt list. Note: This will only find the class not the pages try it for yourself.

enter image description here

this addin will very usefule to quickly open files from visual studio by pressong CTRL + K + O


CTRL+SHIFT+F will bring open a find in files search dialog box. The result will be listed, usually, on the lower section of VS in a Find Files result box. Double clicking a result will open it