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Visual Studio: Is there a "move class to different namespace" refactoring?

I'm doing some architectural cleanup that involves moving a bunch of classes into different projects and/or namespaces. Currently I'm moving the files by hand, building, and then manually adding using Foo statements as needed to resolve compilation errors. Anyone know of a smarter way of doing this? (We're a CodeRush and Refactor! shop, but I'd be interested to hear if Resharper has support for this)

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Seth Petry-Johnson Avatar asked Oct 06 '08 13:10

Seth Petry-Johnson

People also ask

How do I refactor namespace in Visual Studio?

Place your cursor in the namespace name. Press Ctrl+. to trigger the Quick Actions and Refactorings menu.

How do I move the class code in Visual Studio?

I do this by placing the cursor over the class name then pressing Ctrl + . which opens the Quick Actions options, then scroll down to Move type to new File option and pressing Enter . I'll do this for each class then voila, new separate class files are created.

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You can change the default namespace: -> Project -> XXX Properties... Instead of Find/Replace, you can also right click the namespace in code and Refactor->Rename.

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You could put the caret on a namespace declaration in your C# code and press F2 on the keyboard. This should let you change the name of the namespace across the entire project, including the XAML files.

7 Answers

Visual Studio 2019 provides at least 2 built-in options:

'Move to namespace...' refactoring can be triggered on any class, and VS will prompt for the target namespace.

'Change namespace to...' refactoring is provided for when the current file namespace doesn't match with the folder structure.

This can be used to move individual classes to a different namespace by:

  1. creating the desired folder structure
  2. moving the file
  3. applying the mentioned refactoring (CTRL+. with the cursor over the namespace)

These operation ensures that all references are updated accordingly.

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gschuager Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10


Visual Studio 2010 has the possibility to rename a namespace. Place the cursor over the namespace name and press F2. Or simply rename it in the code and press Shift+Alt+F10, Enter after seeing the red squiggle appear.

Reharper can also rename namespaces. Quote:

The Rename Namespace refactoring allows users to rename a specific namespace and automatically correct all references to the namespace in the code. The following usages are renamed:

  • Namespace statements
  • Using directives
  • Qualified names of types
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Darin Dimitrov Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10

Darin Dimitrov

As mentioned in the comments, this answer is now outdated. Please see the up-to-date answer below

Resharper is the only tool I am aware of what has this ability. There is also a lot of other functionality that it has that is missing in CodeRush and Refactor!

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Josh Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10


This answer applies to at least Visual Studio 2013 and 2015 with no resharper required

  1. Move class files to new folder
  2. Open 'Find and replace'
  3. Select 'Replace in Files'
  4. Type the original namespace definition in the 'Find what' field eg. MyCorp.AppStuff.Api
  5. Type the new namespace definition in the 'Replace with' field eg. MyCorp.AppStuff.Api.Extensions
  6. Select the new folder using the 'Look in' field's browse button ..., or type the folder path
  7. Press the Replace All button
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Gusdor Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10


There are partial solutions for VS 2015 & VS 2017 without Resharper using free extensions.

One extension which I like today (end of 2017) is the Fix Namespace VS Extension: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=vs-publisher-599079.FixNamespace#overview

It analyses the folder structure of your solution and offers namespace refactoring using that. Unfortunately it isn't perfect: It doesn't track dependencies that well, but solved the lion's share of the work for me.

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Ádám Miklósi Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

Ádám Miklósi

With Resharper: CTRL+R+O

Then press the down arrow key twice to select Move Type To Another Namespace.

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Marco Lackovic Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

Marco Lackovic

Since the answer above was provided (I'm guessing) this feature has been added to CodeRush. Just place the carat on the Type to be moved and you'll see a Move Type to Namespace option on the Refactor! context menu. This will move the type to the new namespace and update references. You may still want to move the file to a solution folder that matches the name of the namespace though.

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nzduck Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10
