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What's the difference between the .NET Framework SDK and the Targeting pack

I'm trying to install the .NET Framework 4.7.1 in Visual Studio and I'm given the choice to install:

  • .NET Framework 4.7.1 SDK
  • .NET Framework 4.7.1 targeting pack

Do I need them both? What's the difference between each of them?

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Alessandro Cifani Avatar asked Jan 08 '18 09:01

Alessandro Cifani

People also ask

What is .NET Framework targeting pack?

NET Framework 4.6 Targeting Pack is a package that enables developers to build applications targeting the . NET Framework 4.6 using either Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio 2012 or third party IDEs. You need to download and install the . NET Framework 4.6 prior to installing the targeting pack.

Is .NET Framework and SDK is same?

NET Framework software development kit (SDK). The two products are different but intimately related. Visual Studio . NET is an application-development tool for writing applications; the .

Does .NET developer Pack include SDK?

The developer pack doesn't have anything to do with an SDK. It just contains the reference assemblies that you need to compile a project that explicitly targets 4.5.

What is the difference between .NET Framework runtime and developer pack?

To use the framework with Visual Studio 2012 or later install the developer type version. The runtime type version is a lighter version, meant to run applications on servers. This runtime version doesn't have the information/extensions that Visual Studio needs, so Visual Studio can't use them.

1 Answers

The .NET Framework SDK, is a software development kit (SDK) from Microsoft.

It is required to develop applications for the .NET Framework and it contains:

  • documentation
  • header files
  • libraries
  • Samples and tools.

.NET Framework SDK is dedicated to developing applications for .NET Framework. When installing visual studio, this is enough.

Targeting pack is needed when You are targeting a particular .NET framework which is different from your currently installed .NET framework.

In the case of the targeting pack, let's say you build your application using .NET 4.7 but the client has .NET 4.5. For this type of scenario you can target the client's version even though you are using a higher version.

Here you can see how to target a particular .NET framework.

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Tharushi Geethma Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 18:09

Tharushi Geethma