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Visual Studio 2008 search and replace regex

I have a large solution with a lot of lines that I need to replace. In Visual Studio, you can search and replace with the aid of regular expressions.

I want to replace lines like:




Thus keeping the dynamic text part, which can vary.

Is this possible and how?

Update, solution:
Search: rst.Fields{\(.*\)}\.Value
Replace: rst\1.ToString()

Thanks JaredPar!

like image 293
Michel van Engelen Avatar asked Oct 02 '10 17:10

Michel van Engelen

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1 Answers

Try the following

  • Search Expression: ASpecificCommand(\(.*\))\.ASpecificProperty
  • Replace Expression: ATotallyDifferentCommand\1.ATotallyDifferentProperty

Note: This is not a perfect solution. Since there are (s involved and hence matching of nested parens, a regex won't ever be a perfect solution. However it should get the job done for the specific pattern you posted

like image 64
JaredPar Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 01:11
