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How to bold specific text in a string in a React.js app




I have a React.js app with a search bar which is similar to, i.e., Google. A user can type some text into an input field, and matching data is fetched and displayed in a dropdown menu below the input.

My issue: I want to bold certain words that are shown in my dropdown - specifically the words in the string that the user has not typed into the input field themselves.

So, for instance, if a user types in the search bar "blue", below it will display all data in the DB which contains the word "blue" i.e. "blue shoes" or "blue sky". I want it that the word that is not typed into the searchbar to be bolded --> sky or shoes

My makeBold function does not work because a) it displays on the browser as <b>blue</b> sky rather than actually bolded; b) it would bold the keyword the user typed in rather than the other words)

** keyword is passed to this component by the parent, it contains the text the user has written in the input field

** searchResults contains the list of fetched search results passed as an array of objects

const SearchResults = ({ keyword, searchResults }) => {
   const showDropdown = () => {
    return searchResults.map((item) => {
      if (item.term.includes(keyword.toLowerCase())) {
        return (
          <div key={item.term}>
              <li className="input-fields search-results">
                {makeBold(item.searchterm)} ({item.nrResults})

  const makeBold = (input) => {
      var re = new RegExp(keyword, 'g')
      return (
          input.replace(re, '<b>'+keyword+ '</b>')

  return <div>{keyword ? showDropdown () : null}</div>;

So my question is how to bold specific text in my string which has not typed into the input field? Thanks!

like image 864
critical_maas Avatar asked Jul 22 '20 14:07


People also ask

How do I change the boldness of text?

Type the keyboard shortcut: CTRL+B.

How do I bold text in a div?

To make text bold in HTML, use the <b>… </b> tag or <strong>… </strong> tag. Both the tags have the same functioning, but <strong> tag adds semantic strong importance to the text.

2 Answers

You need to dangerouslySetInnerHTML

Sample code below. This is what it does.

  1. Make all text bold via CSS
  2. Our keyword is wrapped in a i tag. This is rendered with normal font weight via a CSS rule.

Please note that below is a code sample to be used in react context/OP application, this will not work in this site.

const makeBold = (item, keyword) => {
      var re = new RegExp(keyword, 'g')
      return (
          item.replace(re, '<i>'+keyword+ '</i>')
  console.log(makeBold('blue shoes', 'blue'));
.text-bold {
 font-weight: bold;

.text-bold i {
 font-weight: normal;
<div className="text-bold">
      <li dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: makeBold(item, 'blue')}} />

Instead of dangouresly setting the html you can also use the package react-html-parser. This avoids the use of dangerouslySetInnerHTML

Then the code would look like

import ReactHtmlParser from 'react-html-parser';

<div className="text-bold">
          <li> {ReactHtmlParser(makeBold(item, 'blue')) }
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kiranvj Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 20:10


You could use the dangerouslySetInnerHTML attribute.

But as its name suggests, it can be dangerous. If this input is coming from an external source then you have to make sure that it does not contain any unwanted scripts or links!

return (
  <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{
    __html: item.replace(re, '<b>' + keyword + '</b>')
  }} />
like image 27
cy3er Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 19:10
