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vim repeat find next character 'x'




People also ask

How do I repeat a find in Vim?

The command to repeat an f is ; (semicolon); , (comma) reverses the direction of the search.

How do I get to next occurrence in vi?

vi positions the cursor at the next occurrence of the string. For example, to find the string “meta,” type /meta followed by Return. Type n to go to the next occurrence of the string. Type N to go to the previous occurrence.

How do I jump to a character in Vim?

You can type f<character> to put the cursor on the next character and F<character> for the previous one.

How do you repeat the same action in Vim?

vim Normal mode commands (Editing) Repeat the Last Change Your cursor will be at position 1 of line 1, and all you need to do to fix the next two lines is press j. twice - that is, j to move down a line and . to repeat the last change, which was the addition of the I .

The command to repeat an f is ; (semicolon); , (comma) reverses the direction of the search.

Time has passed since I asked this question - nowadays I use vim-easymotion, which makes the need for ; almost unnecessary.

This plugin allows to jump to a certain letter directly - triggering the plugin makes all letters grey except for all 'x' on the screen - and those are replaced by red letters which you can press to jump directly to it.

easymotion in use