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How to add text at the end of each line in Vim?



People also ask

How do you add a backslash at the end of a line in Vim?

How do I insert a space + backslash at the end of the all lines in my Vim editor? Go to the end of the line, add space + backslash, go to the next line, add space + backslash, ... repeat.

This will do it to every line in the file:


If you want to do a subset of lines instead of the whole file, you can specify them in place of the %.

One way is to do a visual select and then type the :. It will fill in :'<,'> for you, then you type the rest of it (Notice you only need to add s/$/,/)


There is in fact a way to do this using Visual block mode. Simply pressing $A in Visual block mode appends to the end of all lines in the selection. The appended text will appear on all lines as soon as you press Esc.

So this is a possible solution:


That is, in Normal mode, Visual select a paragraph vip, switch to Visual block mode CTRLV, append to all lines $A a comma ,, then press Esc to confirm.

The documentation is at :h v_b_A. There is even an illustration of how it works in the examples section: :h v_b_A_example.

Another solution, using another great feature:

:'<,'>norm A,

See :help :normal.

ex mode is easiest:


: - enter command mode
% - for every line
s/ - substitute
$ - the end of the line
/ - and change it to
, - a comma