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vim + iterm: how to use mouse for everything EXCEPT selection?

Ok, have a very specific setup question. I'm using Mac OS X, iTerm, and vim. I really like using my mouse for clicking tabs in normal mode, scrolling in normal mode etc. (e.g. I already have the mouse working within iTerm/vim).

However, I dislike using visual mode for selecting. I just want to use OS X selection not vim's visual select. The next logical step? Disable visual selection in the mouse options:

set mouse=nicr

The problem with this is that when I try to select (using the mouse) vim intercepts the mouse click and doesn't allow me to select at all!

Anyone know how deal with this issue? It feels like its solvable if one knew the proper character/control codes (which I obviously do not).

Goal: use the mouse in vim for everything except "select". Let iTerm/OS do the selection.

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Nate Murray Avatar asked Aug 12 '09 15:08

Nate Murray

1 Answers

I don't have a Mac, but under Linux holding Shift while highlighting allows you to use the mouse to copy with the mouse settings you mentioned.

See the "Note:" in :h mouse

like image 177
Randy Morris Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09

Randy Morris