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Vectorized "in" function in julia?

I often want to loop over a long array or column of a dataframe, and for each item, see if it is a member of another array. Rather than doing

giant_list = ["a", "c", "j"]
good_letters = ["a", "b"]
isin = falses(size(giant_list,1))
for i=1:size(giant_list,1)
    isin[i] = giant_list[i] in good_letters

Is there any vectorized (doubly-vectorized?) way to do this in julia? In analogy with the basic operators I want to do something like

isin = giant_list .in good_letters

I realize this may not be possible, but I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something. I know I could probably use DefaultDict from DataStructures to do the similar but don't know of anything in base.

like image 426
ARM Avatar asked Apr 15 '15 21:04


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2 Answers

The indexin function does something similar to what you want:

indexin(a, b)

Returns a vector containing the highest index in b for each value in a that is a member of b. The output vector contains 0 wherever a is not a member of b.

Since you want a boolean for each element in your giant_list (instead of the index in good_letters), you can simply do:

julia> indexin(giant_list, good_letters) .> 0
3-element BitArray{1}:

The implementation of indexin is very straightforward, and points the way to how you might optimize this if you don't care about the indices in b:

function vectorin(a, b)
    bset = Set(b)
    [i in bset for i in a]

Only a limited set of names may be used as infix operators, so it's not possible to use it as an infix operator.

like image 153
mbauman Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 14:10


There are a handful of modern (i.e. Julia v1.0) solutions to this problem:

First, an update to the scalar strategy. Rather than using a 1-element tuple or array, scalar broadcasting can be achieved using a Ref object:

julia> in.(giant_list, Ref(good_letters))
3-element BitArray{1}:

This same result can be achieved by broadcasting the infix (\inTAB) operator:

julia> giant_list .∈ Ref(good_letters)
3-element BitArray{1}:

Additionally, calling in with one argument creates a Base.Fix2, which may later be applied via a broadcasted call. This seems to have limited benefits compared to simply defining a function, though.

julia> is_good1 = in(good_letters);
       is_good2(x) = x in good_letters;

julia> is_good1.(giant_list)
3-element BitArray{1}:

julia> is_good2.(giant_list)
3-element BitArray{1}:

All in all, using .∈ with a Ref will probably lead to the shortest, cleanest code.

like image 32
Harrison Grodin Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 12:10

Harrison Grodin