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Using Sublime 2 for Haskell Development?

What is the current status of Sublime 2 integration for Haskell? I see two possible packages so far. A plugin for code highlighting and a REPL plugin.

Is there an intelli-sense plugin for Haskell? Maybe integration with Hackage as well?


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The Internet Avatar asked Jul 26 '12 21:07

The Internet

People also ask

Does Sublime support Haskell?

Sublime-Haskell is a plugin for the Sublime Text Editor. It is installed through the Sublime Package Controller.

How do I run Haskell in Sublime Text?

Open the SublimeText Command Palette ( Ctrl-Shift-P or Option-Command-P on OS X) and type haskell to explore SublimeHaskell's goodness. When editing Haskell source files, automatic error highlighting and enhanced auto-completion is available.

What do I need to install before sublimehaskell?

You will need to install either the GHC Haskell compiler and cabal either stack build tool and a backend before you install SublimeHaskell. stack. The Glorious Haskell Computer (ghc). Preferably, you should install the Haskell Platform if you don't already have a Haskell development and hacking environment set up. cabal.

What is sublime-Haskell?

Sublime-Haskell is a plugin for the Sublime Text Editor. It is installed through the Sublime Package Controller . It is built as a plugin to the Sublime text editor, so all the standard editing functionality is there. Here are the Haskell specific features:

How do I expand a selection in sublimehaskell?

SublimeHaskell: Expand selection to Expression — expand selection to expression, ctrl+shift+y SublimeHaskell: Show/hide all types — get all types and highlight while selection modifies, ctrl+t, h

What is haste-Haskell turboedit?

The Haskell support module is made by Rijk-Jan van Haaften. haste - Haskell TurboEdit - was an IDE for the functional programming language Haskell, written in Haskell. Visual Haskell is a complete development environment for Haskell software, based on Microsoft's Microsoft Visual Studio platform.

2 Answers

SublimeHaskell plugin is the modern choice for Haskell development with SublimeText. It is well maintained and has plenty of useful features.

Other quite useful plugins:

  • Shell Turtlestein, which allows you to quickly type in shell commands under a single keystroke from inside the editor.
  • SublimeREPL, which allows you to run GHCi from inside the editor. Though without support for cabal repl yet.
  • SideBarEnhancements, which I primarily use to rename/move files without touching the mouse. With it you can hit Ctrl/Cmd + P and type "rename" or "move" to enter the dialogue.
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Nikita Volkov Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 12:10

Nikita Volkov

I use Sublime exclusively at the moment and while it's not all that special out of the box, installing sublime-text-haskell as Cubic suggested makes it a little better (it will compile and highlight errors when you save a file and apparently enhances the auto-completion).

I've experimented with writing my own plugins but the reality is that a lot of really cool possibilities are made difficult to implement because the API is actually kind of restricting (there's no way to add extra information like type signatures to auto-complete options for example).

It seems that the dev(s) are working on adding some requested API features, but until then, sublime-text-haskell is probably the best Haskell plugin.

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Tom Savage Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 13:10

Tom Savage