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Using overloaded operators on pointers

I overloaded the << operator of a class. How do I have to overload the operator if I want to use it on pointers, like the following?

class A {
    std::string operator<<(std::string&);

aInst << "This works";
aPointer << "This doesnt work";
aPointer->operator<<("Whereas this works but is useless");

I hope you can help me.


like image 935
Erik Avatar asked Oct 29 '10 19:10


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1 Answers

You need to dereference the pointer first.

A *ptr = new A();
(*ptr) << "Something";

The only other way is the way you described above

Edit: Andre's solution below is workable as well, but like he said it may not be a good idea.

like image 123
Mike Bailey Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 15:10

Mike Bailey