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'User is missing the Overall/Read permission' error with Jenkins GitHub OAuth Plugin

People also ask

Is missing the overall read permission in Jenkins?

with error as "Access Denied is missing the Overall/Read permission jenkins windows". In such case, Please retain the existing instance, have a new jenkins install on someother machine or VM. Copy the config. xml from Jenkins_Home and replace it with config.

This is how I resolved the authentication problem:

  1. Edit config.xml file, e.g.

    sudo vi /var/lib/jenkins/config.xml
    1. Change useSecurity element's value to false, e.g.

    2. Remove authorizationStrategy block

  2. Restart Jenkins: /etc/init.d/jenkins restart.

  3. Access Jenkins through URL as usual and reconfigure security again.

Have you followed this step, from the plugin page?

Control user authorization (i.e. who is allowed to see the jobs and build them) using the Github Commiter Authorization Strategy

Also, make sure you actually allow authenticated users to access Jenkins

  • Under Jenkins global configuration, under Authorization, add user/group called authenticated
  • Give that group Overall Read permission
  • The group should show up with a "group" icon (two users), as opposed to single user icon.

I had the same problem with "... is missing the Overall/Read permission" on Jenkins (1.651.2) with activated Credentials Plugin.

But it was my own failure: I only configured the user on project side (by credential plugin) but missed to configure the global security.

So I fixed it by selecting:

Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Configure Global Security

And did setup missing global settings (or project matrix based one)

reset from <useSecurity>true</useSecurity> to <useSecurity>false</useSecurity> in config.xml and set the permission again.