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How to delete a gist on GitHub?




Is there a way I can remove a gist on GitHub? Created a gist earlier, but don't really want it there anymore.

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Svish Avatar asked Aug 21 '11 14:08


People also ask

Can you delete a gist?

Anonymous gists cannot be removed.

Can you edit a GitHub gist?

How Do I Edit or Delete a Gist? In the top right corner of your gist page, there will be a menu that allows for multiple functions to be performed on your gist. We can edit, delete, unsubscribe, star, embed, copy, share, and download a raw copy or zipped copy of a gist. We also can share a gist in multiple ways.

Do GitHub gists expire?

No, they don't expire. The documentation says: Warning: Anonymous gists cannot be deleted from the web. To have an anonymous gist deleted, contact GitHub support.

What is the point of GitHub gists?

Gists let you share code snippets, entire files, or even applications. You can also use gists to save and share console output when running, debugging, or testing your code. Each gist is a repository that can be cloned or forked by other people.

1 Answers


There's a "delete" button at the top of each gist now:

enter image description here


Previously there was "delete this gist" link at the bottom of the gist's page, as below - thanks to Daniel Smith for pointing out in the comments below that this has been changed.

enter image description here

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Mark Longair Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 06:09

Mark Longair