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How do I get Composer to download the latest commit in the master branch from GitHub for a package?

I am trying to get Composer do download the latest commit for the Behat/MinkSelenium2Driver package. That particular repo only has a master branch. I have tried every method I can think of, including deleting the files and letting it pull them back in, to get it to work but it doesn't.

How would I get it to pull in latest committed files or at least those from the commit I list below?

Specifically I want to get this commit: https://github.com/Behat/MinkSelenium2Driver/commit/2e73d8134ec8526b6e742f05c146fec2d5e1b8d6

Thanks, Patrick

like image 331
Patrick Avatar asked Nov 11 '13 21:11


People also ask

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Composer downloads directly from the source, e.g. Packagist only knows those source and tells your composer instance where to go. It does this by downloading a bunch of json files from Packagist.org that have all the infos.

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You can add more repositories to your project by declaring them in composer. json . Repositories are only available to the root package and the repositories defined in your dependencies will not be loaded.

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The dev-master branch is one in your main VCS repo. It is rather common that someone will want the latest master dev version. Thus, Composer allows you to alias your dev-master branch to a 1.0.x-dev version.

1 Answers

There is only one way to grab the head of the repository:

"require": { "behat/mink-selenium2-driver" : "dev-master" } "minimum-stability": "dev" 

Oh well, at least two ways:

"require": { "behat/mink-selenium2-driver" : "dev-master as 1.1.x-dev" } "minimum-stability": "dev" 

Probably at least three ways:

"require": { "behat/mink-selenium2-driver" : "dev-master#2e73d8134ec8526b6e742f05c146fec2d5e1b8d6" } "minimum-stability": "dev" 

Because that repository actually aliased the master branch as 1.1.x-dev, this would also work without the minimum-stability affecting all other packages:

"require": { "behat/mink-selenium2-driver" : "1.1.*@dev" } 
like image 70
Sven Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 21:09
