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Database on a personal github page

Is it possible to have some data stored somewhere on your personal github page?

For example a button that triggers a counter. When you click on the button , counter increments by 1. When other user visits that page and clicks the button , counter gets incremented by 1 once again.

So it would be a sum of all click across all visitors that would be displayed on the page.

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Paran0a Avatar asked Jul 27 '15 13:07


People also ask

Can I have a database on GitHub Pages?

Github pages only allow for static content, so you'd have to use something like firebase in order to get a database.

Does GitHub Pages support backend?

Github pages will not execute any serverside code. You may only upload static files (html,css,js, images, etc.). In order to have a hosted backend you should look for another service like Google Cloud, AWS Lambda, Heroku, etc.

Can you have private GitHub Pages?

With access control for GitHub Pages, you can restrict access to your project site by publishing the site privately. A privately published site can only be accessed by people with read access to the repository the site is published from.

1 Answers

Github pages only allow for static content, so you'd have to use something like firebase in order to get a database.

like image 95
dardo Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 09:09
