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How to 'Watch' only a directory in a GitHub repository?

For example, https://github.com/vanillaforums/Garden is the GitHub repository. But I only want to 'watch' this directory https://github.com/vanillaforums/Garden/tree/master/plugins in the repository.

How do I do that? There doesn't seem to be a way.

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its_me Avatar asked Mar 16 '12 06:03


People also ask

How do I find a specific folder in a git repository?

Step1: Input github url to the field at the top-right. Step2: Press enter or click download for download zip directly or click search for view the list of sub-folders and files. Step3: Click "Download Zip File" or "Get File" button to get files.

How do I show a folder in GitHub?

Use “Option+T/Alt+T” to show/hide the file tree. Navigate with arrow keys to expand or collapse directories.

How do I exclude folders from git repository?

Open the . git/info/exclude file in a text editor and add the folder to ignore. This file remains private to you.

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If you want to clone the git repository into the current directory, you can do like: $ git clone <repository> . Here, the dot (.) represents the current directory.

2 Answers

GitHub provides feeds that can do this for both directories and files. Using that syndication, a service like Blog Trottr can send you an email whenever the feed is updated.

Some samples, taken from the Linux source code on master:

  • A directory: source on GitHub, history on GitHub, Atom feed.

  • A file: source on GitHub, history on GitHub, Atom feed.

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jarv Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 08:10


I can't think of anything if you really need to watch a directory. But if you can get away with a single file, you can use a change tracker like VisualPing1 on the raw view of the file in question. The directory view would probably change every time someone starred or watched the project, but a single file should be sufficient for a lot of people (especially with Makefile.am / CMakeLists.txt / etc. which list all subdirectories).

1 No particular endorsement. They bought the service I was using before.

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nemequ Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 08:10
