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Use Gulp to wrap javascript files with a IIFE

I have an angular app that has a lot of .js files. It's boring to add an IIFE to each file and then add 'use strict'.

Is there any way to automate this? I use gulp to run tasks.

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Papzord Avatar asked Aug 26 '14 14:08


1 Answers

Use the gulp-wrap plugin with a simple template:

var wrap = require("gulp-wrap");

    .pipe(wrap('(function(){\n"use strict";\n<%= contents %>\n})();'))

This will wrap each file's contents with the template:

"use strict";
//contents here…

You can also store the template on the filesystem, rather than embedding it in your gulpfile, and call gulp-wrap using wrap({src: 'path/to/template'})

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OverZealous Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 18:10
