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How can I test a controller with resolve properties in AngularJS?

How can one test a controller with resolve properties? It throws an error: Unknown provider: InitProvider, during testing, understandably. How can I test it?

I use the init property in the route config to load data and pass it along to the controller at controller instantiation so the route doesn't change before data is loaded.

    .when('/topic/:topic_id/content/:content_id', {
      templateUrl: 'views/content.html',
      controller: 'ContentCtrl',
    resolve: {
      init: ContentCtrl.init

Is the pattern completely wrong in the first place?

'use strict';

var ContentCtrl = ['$scope', '$location', '$routeParams', 'init', function ($scope, $location, $routeParams, init) {

    $scope.contents = init.contents;


ContentCtrl.init = ['$q', 'app_config', '$log', '$timeout', function ($q, app_config, $log, $timeout) {

    var defer = $q.defer();

    $log.log("ContentCtrl loading..");

    $timeout(function() {
        defer.resolve({contents: [
                                    {message: 'Hello!'}

        $log.log("ContentCtrl loaded.");

    }, 2000);

    return defer.promise;

angular.module('studentportalenApp').controller('ContentCtrl', ContentCtrl);

I want to encapsulate the whole controller inside .controler('ContentCtrl', function() { ... }), but have yet to figure out how this is done correctly to make the init available in the route configuration.

like image 908
Kenneth Lynne Avatar asked Mar 10 '13 12:03

Kenneth Lynne

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3 Answers

Ran into the same thing here. I solved it using the approach here: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/angular/LzXm-9nwkjY.

Basically, I mocked the data that would normally be sent by using a simple variable and added it to the controller in the test. In your case I assume it would look something like:

var initData = {
      contents: [{message: 'Hello!'}]
$controller("ContentCtrl", { $scope: ..., init: initData });
like image 58
EGeuens Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 18:11


It was eventually solved by converting everything to services, as suggested by charlietfl.


Route config:

//This helper injects a function with the service 
//defined in the initMethod string and returns services.prepare()
var interceptWith = function(initMethod) {
        return [initMethod, function(m) {
                    return m.prepare();

    .when('/foobar/', {
        templateUrl: 'foobar.html',
        controller: 'FoobarCtrl',
        resolve: {
            init: interceptWith('FoobarCtrlInit')

The foobar controller definition:

angular.module('fooApp').controller('FoobarCtrl', ['$scope', 'init', function ($scope, init) {              
            $scope.data = init.data;    
.service('FoobarCtrlInit', ['$q', '$timeout', function ($q, $timeout) {

        var _prepare = function() {

            var deferred = $q.defer();

            //Fake async loading of data
            $timeout(function() {
                 deferred.resolve({data: ['A','B','C']});
            }, 1000);

            return deferred.promise; 

        return {
            prepare: _prepare

To test this, one could do this:

'use strict';

describe('Controller: FoobarCtrl', function() {

  // load the controller's module

  var FoobarCtrl,

  // Initialize the controller and a mock scope
  beforeEach(inject(function($controller) {
    scope = {};
    CourseCtrl = $controller('FoobarCtrl', {
      $scope: scope,
      init: {data: ['Testdata A', 'B', 'C']}

  it('should attach a list of data to the scope', function() {
like image 36
Kenneth Lynne Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 20:11

Kenneth Lynne

I had the same error in Karma when using resolve on $routeProvider, I fixed it by testing my resolve in the unit test for app.js, like this:

describe("myApp",  function() {


  it('should resolve initial values for my Controller', inject(function( $route ) {
    expect($route.routes['/'].resolve.init).toBeDefined; //or whatever test you want

And then I just mocked the value on the test for my controller, like this inside the describe for the controller:

//mock out the resolved values to isolate controller code
  beforeEach(module(function($provide) {
    $provide.value('init', function() {
      return 'whatever data you need to mock';
like image 36
Meli Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 20:11
