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Update Multiple Rows in Entity Framework from a list of ids

People also ask

How do I insert multiple rows in Entity Framework?

You can add multiple records or multiple objects using the AddRange method of DbSet as shown in the following code. The code creates a list of department objects and inserts two new departments to the list. We add the list to the context using the AddRange method.

How do I update a table in Entity Framework?

Update the Records Updating the entity involves getting the entity from the database, make the necessary changes, and then call the SaveChanges to persist the changes in the database. There are two Scenario's that arise, when you update the data to the database.

something like below

var idList=new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4};
using (var db=new SomeDatabaseContext())
    var friends= db.Friends.Where(f=>idList.Contains(f.ID)).ToList();


you can update multiple fields as below

friends.ForEach(a =>
                         a.property1 = value1;
                         a.property2 = value2;

var idList=new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4};
var friendsToUpdate = await Context.Friends.Where(f => 

foreach(var item in previousEReceipts)
  item.msgSentBy = "1234";

You can use foreach to update each element that meets your condition.

Here is an example in a more generic way:

var itemsToUpdate = await Context.friends.Where(f => f.Id == <someCondition>).ToListAsync();

foreach(var item in itemsToUpdate)
   item.property = updatedValue;

In general you will most probably use async methods with await for db queries.

I have created a library to batch delete or update records with a round trip on EF Core 5.

Sample code as follows:

await ctx.DeleteRangeAsync(b => b.Price > n || b.AuthorName == "zack yang");

await ctx.BatchUpdate()
.Set(b => b.Price, b => b.Price + 3)
.Set(b => b.PubTime, b => DateTime.Now)
.Where(b => b.Id > n || b.AuthorName.StartsWith("Zack"))

Github repository: https://github.com/yangzhongke/Zack.EFCore.Batch Report: https://www.reddit.com/r/dotnetcore/comments/k1esra/how_to_batch_delete_or_update_in_entity_framework/