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Is it safe to not parameterize an SQL query when the parameter is not a string?

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When should you parameterize a query?

A parameterized query is a query in which placeholders are used for parameters and the parameter values are supplied at execution time. The most important reason to use parameterized queries is to avoid SQL injection attacks.

Is parameterized query safe?

Parameterized queries are generally the safest and most efficient way to pass user defined values in a query, however not every database driver supports them.

Are parameterized queries safe from SQL injection?

Correct usage of parameterized queries provides very strong, but not impenetrable, protection against SQL injection attacks.

What is parameterized SQL query?

Parameterized SQL queries allow you to place parameters in an SQL query instead of a constant value. A parameter takes a value only when the query is executed, which allows the query to be reused with different values and for different purposes.

I think it's safe... technically, but it's a terrible habit to get into. Do you really want to be writing queries like this?

var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM People WHERE IsAlive = " + isAlive + 
" AND FirstName = @firstName");

sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("firstName", "Rob");

It also leaves you vulnerable in the situation where a type changes from an integer to a string (Think employee number which, despite its name - may contain letters).

So, we've changed the type of EmployeeNumber from int to string, but forgot to update our sql queries. Oops.

When using a strongly-typed platform on a computer you control (like a web server), you can prevent code injection for queries with only bool, DateTime, or int (and other numeric) values. What is a concern are performance issues caused by forcing sql server to re-compile every query, and by preventing it from getting good statistics on what queries are run with what frequency (which hurts cache management).

But that "on a computer you control" part is important, because otherwise a user can change the behavior used by the system for generating strings from those values to include arbitrary text.

I also like to think long-term. What happens when today's old-and-busted strongly-typed code base gets ported via automatic translation to the new-hotness dynamic language, and you suddenly lose the type checking, but don't have all the right unit tests yet for the dynamic code?

Really, there's no good reason not to use query parameters for these values. It's the right way to go about this. Go ahead and hard-code values into the sql string when they really are constants, but otherwise, why not just use a parameter? It's not like it's hard.

Ultimately, I wouldn't call this a bug, per se, but I would call it a smell: something that falls just short of a bug by itself, but is a strong indication that bugs are nearby, or will be eventually. Good code avoids leaving smells, and any good static analysis tool will flag this.

I'll add that this is not, unfortunately, the kind of argument you can win straight up. It sounds like a situation where being "right" is no longer enough, and stepping on your co-workers toes to fix this issue on your own isn't likely to promote good team dynamics; it could ultimately hurt more than it helps. A better approach in this case may be to promote the use of a static analysis tool. That would give legitimacy and credibility to efforts aimed and going back and fixing existing code.

In some cases, it IS possible to perform SQL injection attack with non-parametrized (concatenated) variables other than string values - see this article by Jon: http://codeblog.jonskeet.uk/2014/08/08/the-bobbytables-culture/ .

Thing is that when ToString is called, some custom culture provider can transform a non-string parameter into its string representation which injects some SQL into the query.

This is not safe even for non-string types. Always use parameters. Period.

Consider following code example:

var utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM People WHERE created_on <= '" + utcNow + "'");

At the first glance code looks safe, but everything changes if you make some changes in Windows Regional Settings and add injection in short date format:

Datetime Injection

Now resulting command text looks like this:

SELECT * FROM People WHERE created_on <= '26.09.2015' OR '1'<>' 21:21:43'

The same can be done for int type as user can define custom negative sign which can be easily changed into SQL injection.

One could argue that invariant culture should be used instead of current culture, but I have seen string concatenations like this so many times and it is quite easy to miss when concatenating strings with objects using +.

"SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE Id=" + intVariable.ToString()


It is OK.
Attackers can not inject anything in your typed int variable.


Not OK.

It's better to use parameters, so the query will be compiled once and cached for next usage. Next time even with different parameter values, query is cached and doesn't need to compile in database server.

Coding Style

Poor practice.

  • Parameters are more readable
  • Maybe it makes you get used to queries without parameters, then maybe you made a mistake once and use a string value this way and then you probably should say goodbye to your data. Bad habit!

"SELECT * FROM Product WHERE Id=" + TextBox1.Text

Although it is not your question, but maybe useful for future readers:



Even when the Id field is an integer, your query may be subject to SQL Injection. Suppose you have a query in your application "SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE Id=" + TextBox1.Text. An attacker can insert into text box 1; DELETE Table1 and the query will be:


If you don't want to use a parametrized query here, you should use typed values:

string.Format("SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE Id={0}", int.Parse(TextBox1.Text))

Your Question

My question arose because a coworker wrote a bunch of queries concatenating integer values, and I was wondering whether it was a waste of my time to go through and fix all of them.

I think changing those codes is not waste of time. Indeed change is recommended!

If your coworker uses int variables it has no security risk, but I think changing those codes is not waste of time and indeed changing those codes is recommended. It makes code more readable, more maintainable, and makes execution faster.