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Unexpected character encountered while parsing value

Possibly you are not passing JSON to DeserializeObject.

It looks like from File.WriteAllText(tmpfile,... that type of tmpfile is string that contain path to a file. JsonConvert.DeserializeObject takes JSON value, not file path - so it fails trying to convert something like @"c:\temp\fooo" - which is clearly not JSON.

I solved the problem with these online tools:

  1. To check if the Json structure is OKAY: http://jsonlint.com/
  2. To generate my Object class from my Json structure: https://www.jsonutils.com/

The simple code:

RootObject rootObj= JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootObject>(File.ReadAllText(pathFile));

In my case, the file containing JSON string had BOM. Once I removed BOM the problem was solved.

enter image description here

I experienced the same error in my Xamarin.Android solution.

I verified that my JSON was correct, and noticed that the error only appeared when I ran the app as a Release build.

It turned out that the Linker was removing a library from Newtonsoft.JSON, causing the JSON to be parsed incorrectly.

I fixed the error by adding Newtonsoft.Json to the Ignore assemblies setting in the Android Build Configuration (screen shot below)

JSON Parsing Code

static readonly JsonSerializer _serializer = new JsonSerializer();
static readonly HttpClient _client = new HttpClient();

static async Task<T> GetDataObjectFromAPI<T>(string apiUrl)
    using (var stream = await _client.GetStreamAsync(apiUrl).ConfigureAwait(false))
    using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
    using (var json = new JsonTextReader(reader))
        if (json == null)
            return default(T);

        return _serializer.Deserialize<T>(json);

Visual Studio Mac Screenshot

enter image description here

Visual Studio Screenshot

enter image description here

I have also encountered this error for a Web API (.Net Core 3.0) action that was binding to a string instead to an object or a JObject. The JSON was correct, but the binder tried to get a string from the JSON structure and failed.

So, instead of:

public object Search([FromBody] string data)

I had to use the more specific:

public object Search([FromBody] JObject data)