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Typescript + jasmine.createSpy()

I'm writing unit tests for my angular project with Typescript

When I try to create mock for some service, I use this way:

const serviceMock = <IMyService>{
    method: _.noop,

beforeEach(inject($injector => {
   testingService = new AccountingService(serviceMock);

   spyOn(serviceMock, 'method').and.callFake(()=>'hello');

this works ok but when I try to use jasmine.createSpy(), I get compilation errors:

const serviceMock = <IMyService>{
    method: jasmine.createSpy('method').and.callFake(()=>'hello'),

Type '{ method: Spy;}' cannot be converted to type 'MyService'. Property 'getParams' is missing in type '{ method: Spy;}'.

But getParams is private method of MyService

What am I doing wrong?

like image 971
Katya Pavlenko Avatar asked Jun 21 '17 08:06

Katya Pavlenko

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Jasmine 's createSpy () method is useful when you do not have any function to spy upon or when the call to the original function would inflict a lag in time (especially if it involves HTTP requests) or has other dependencies which may not be available in the current context.

1 Answers

Use the type already defined and used by Jasmine SpyObj<T>.

const serviceMock: jasmine.SpyObj<IMyService> = jasmine.createSpyObj<IMyService>('service',['method']);

This way every method of IMyService will be augmented with the Spy ones:

like image 77
novembre Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 06:10
