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Cannot read property of 'xxx' of undefined

I'm using Ionic 2, in which a component has two components and the data were shared using emitters. But when I execute the program, it comes to this error.

Runtime Error Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: Cannot read property 'BillNo' of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property 'BillNo' of undefined at Object.eval [as updateDirectives]

Here's my code:


<page-bill-list (BillSelected)="onBillSelected($event)"></page-bill-list>
<page-bill-details [billItem]="billItem"></page-bill-details>


  selector: 'page-bill-settlement',
  templateUrl: 'bill-settlement.html',
export class BillSettlement {
  billItem: BillDetail
  onBillSelected(billData: BillDetail) {
    this.billItem = billData


  <button ion-button *ngFor="let item of billItems" (click)="getBillDetails(item)">


  selector: 'page-bill-list',
  templateUrl: 'bill-list.html',
export class BillList {
  billItems: BillDetail[] = []
  billItem = new BillDetail()
  @Output() BillSelected = new EventEmitter<BillDetail>()
  constructor(public navCtrl: NavController,
    public navParams: NavParams,
    public billSrv: BillerService,
    public authSrv: AuthService,
    public genSrv: GenericService) {
      .subscribe(data => {
        this.billItems = data
  getBillDetails(item: BillDetail) {


  selector: 'page-bill-details',
  templateUrl: 'bill-details.html',
export class BillDetails {
    @Input() billItem: BillDetail


<ion-input text-right type="text" [value]="billItem.BillNo" readonly></ion-input> //billItem model has BillNo property

The problem is billItem.BillNo in bill-details.ts has no value initially, it is defined only when I click the bill number button in the bill-list.html. How can i define the billItem initially and then replaces when clicked with the bill number button.

like image 301
Ranjith Varatharajan Avatar asked May 08 '17 04:05

Ranjith Varatharajan

People also ask

What does it mean by Cannot read property of undefined?

The "Cannot read properties of undefined" error occurs when trying to access a property on an undefined value. You often get undefined values when: accessing a property that does not exist on an object. accessing an index that is not present in an array.

Can not read the property value of undefined?

There are 3 reasons the "Cannot read property 'value' of undefined" error occurs: Accessing the value property on a variable storing an undefined value. Accessing a property on a DOM element that doesn't exist. Inserting the JS script tag above the HTML, where the DOM elements are declared.

1 Answers

The view is loaded before billItem is set.

You could use a safe navigation operator ?.

<ion-input text-right type="text" [value]="billItem?.BillNo" readonly></ion-input> //billItem model has BillNo property

or set it to empty object in the constructor of bill-details.ts:

  if(! this.billItem){
like image 92
Suraj Rao Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 00:10

Suraj Rao