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How to change material-icon on click event with angular2/4 material?

I have the following icon within md-tab-group:

  <md-tab *ngFor="let tab of arrayOfTabs">
    <ng-template md-tab-label>
        <md-icon (click)="changetab()">close</md-icon>
    My Tab Content

I want to make it so that instead of the "close" material icon, change it to a "star" icon. How can I accomplish that through a click event on the icon for that specific tab?

like image 755
Rolando Avatar asked Jun 16 '17 03:06


1 Answers

In component :

public icon = 'close'; 

public changeIcon(newIcon: string ){
    this.icon = newIcon ; 


<md-icon (click)="changeIcon('star')>{{icon}}</md-icon>
like image 190
Vamshi Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 11:11
