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typescript how to declare nested data type from interface



I have the following typescript interface:

interface IFoodShop {
    name: string;
    owner: string;
    foods: Array<{
        id: number,
        name: string,
        isVegetarian: boolean

I have a function that requires the paramater to be the same data type as the foods array from interface IFoodShop. How would i declare it, similar to something this, which doesn't work.

// check if food is vegetarian
isVegatarianFood(data: IFoodShop.foods) {


I understand I can break down the data types like below:

interface IFoodShopFood {
    id: number,
    name: string,
    isVegetarian: boolean

interface IFoodShop {
    name: string;
    owner: string;
    openDate: Date;
    foods: IFoodShopFood

// check if food is vegetarian
isVegatarianFood(data: IFoodShopFood) {


But this to me seems unecessary when I have a lot of arrays to declare. How would I simply say that the data type needs to match the nested interface data type foods?

like image 697
Curzon Avatar asked Feb 23 '17 08:02


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1 Answers

But this to me seems unecessary when I have a lot of arrays to declare.

You can use the following syntax (its called a lookup type):

interface IFoodShop {
    name: string;
    owner: string;
    foods: Array<{
        id: number,
        name: string,
        isVegetarian: boolean
// check if food is vegetarian
function isVegatarianFood(data: IFoodShop['foods']) { }

isVegatarianFood([{ id: 123, name: '123', isVegetarian: true }]); // okay
isVegatarianFood([{ id: 123, name: '123', isVegetarian: 'ERRROR' }]); // ERROR
like image 176
basarat Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11
