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How to work with form elements in typescript

I'd like to access form elements via myForm.elements, and then access each element by it's name, for example, myForm.elements.month. Typescript doesn't like this b/c it doesn't know that form.elements contains a property of month. I thought, let's create an interface! So I did, (see code below), but I'm getting this typescript error: Neither type 'HTMLCollection' nor type 'FormElements' is assignable to the other

Here's the code I'm working with:

interface FormElements {
    day: HTMLInputElement;
    month: HTMLInputElement;
    year: HTMLInputElement;

class BirthdateInput {
    constructor(form: HTMLFormElement) {
        var elements: FormElements = <FormElements> form.elements; // error here

        this.day = elements.day;
        this.month = elements.month;
        this.year = elements.year;

Any ideas on how to better cast my form.elements object so typescript won't complain?

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lizlux Avatar asked Apr 27 '15 22:04


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1 Answers

Best way would be to write it like this:

// Note 'extends' clause here
interface FormElements extends HTMLFormElement {
    day: HTMLInputElement;
    month: HTMLInputElement;
    year: HTMLInputElement;

class BirthdateInput {
    constructor(form: HTMLFormElement) {
        var elements: FormElements = <FormElements> form.elements; // OK
        // ...
like image 74
Ryan Cavanaugh Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 05:10

Ryan Cavanaugh