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how do async/await testing with TypeScript and mocha

I have a simple async mocha test, but the done() callback never seems to get called.

describe("RiBot", function() {
  it("should start with a random topic", async (done) => {
    await RiBot.init();
    let topic = RiBot.getTopic("testuser")
    assert.equal(topic, "FAILHERE");

In this case the assertion should fail but instead I just get a timeout.

  RibotTest topic +0ms undefined
    1) should start with a random topic

  0 passing (2s)
  1 failing

  1) RiBot should start with a random topic:
     Error: timeout of 2000ms exceeded. Ensure the done() callback is being called in this test.

edit: when i run just as standard JS code with an assert:

async function testRiBot() {
  try {
    await RiBot.init()
    let topic = RiBot.getTopic("testuser")
    debug('topic', topic)
    assert.equal(topic, "FAILHERE", 'fail match on topic');
  } catch(err) {
    debug("err", err, err.stack)

I do get an exception thrown as the error.

  RibotTest err +2ms { [AssertionError: fail match on topic]
  name: 'AssertionError',
  actual: 'undefined',
  expected: 'FAILHERE',
  operator: '==',
  message: 'fail match on topic',
  generatedMessage: false } AssertionError: fail match on topic
    at /Users/dc/dev/rikai/boteditor/test/RiBot_test.js:19:20
    at next (native)
    at fulfilled (/Users/dc/dev/rikai/boteditor/test/RiBot_test.js:4:58)
    at process._tickCallback (node.js:412:9)

Can someone provide a simple example using a typescript async/await and mocha?

like image 751
dcsan Avatar asked Apr 12 '16 10:04


People also ask

How do you use async await in Mocha?

To use the newer async/await syntax with Mocha, all you have to do is ensure that your it method has the async keyword, and instead of returning your promise, you just add an await keyword before your async function.

How do you test async Mocha?

Writing Asynchronous Tests with Mocha. To indicate that a test is asynchronous in Mocha, you simply pass a callback as the first argument to the it() method: it('should be asynchronous', function(done) { setTimeout(function() { done(); }, 500); });

Does TypeScript support async await?

Async - Await has been supported by TypeScript since version 1.7. Asynchronous functions are prefixed with the async keyword; await suspends the execution until an asynchronous function return promise is fulfilled and unwraps the value from the Promise returned.

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Create a file named teams. js, import the API using require and create the function getTeamByPlayer it will return a promise, using setTimeout simulate the async process. Our promise return the resolve if the team with the player is found or the reject with an error if not found. Export the function to be used.

1 Answers

Try defining your test like this... (and at the same time remove your done call)

it('should start with a random topic', async function () {
    // ...

Note if your test returns a Promise then the mocha framework will look for the Promise to be resolved or rejected rather than a done callback. Note async functions always return a Promise.

Also it's a best practice to avoid using arrow functions to define tests otherwise you can't access the correct this context from the test (i.e. you can't do things like calling this.title within your test code).

like image 166
Dave Templin Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 16:10

Dave Templin