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React Typescript: return array of Jsx elements

I'm trying React and TypeScript, but there's little information.

I have this situation in JavaScript:

render: function() {

  var stars = [];

  for (var idx = 1; idx <= this.state.max; idx++) {
    var fill = idx <= this.props.data.score;
    var hover = idx <= this.state.hoverIndex;
    stars.push(<RatingStar fill={fill} index={idx} data={this.props.data} hoverFill={hover} hover={this.hoverStar} leave={this.leaveStar} />);
  return stars;


This is easy in plain JavaScript. I simply return an array of elements. But in TypeScript this code gives me an error because render() returns a single JSX element, not an array. If I change the return type to array of JSX element, the error is class doesn't implement React.component... So any idea?

like image 839
LXG Avatar asked Oct 04 '16 06:10


People also ask

How do you display an array of elements in JSX?

To render multiple JSX elements in React, you can loop through an array with the . map() method and return a single element. In the next example, you will examine why you would want to add a unique key to a list of elements rendered by an array.

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IntrinsicAttributes interface can be used to specify extra properties used by the JSX framework which are not generally used by the components' props or arguments - for instance key in React.

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. tsx is similar to jsx except it's TypeScript with the JSX language extension.

1 Answers


This will work React 16 and latest TypeScript definitions. The below answer is preserved for people on React 15 and below 🌹

Old Answer

render() return a single JSX element not an array

This is TypeScript actually helping you. you must return a single element from the render.


Consider wrapping the output in a div. This might break your css so you need to think about reorganizing that as well.

Alternatively don't create a component and just {callFoo()} in JSX instead of <Foo/>.

like image 186
basarat Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11
