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TypeScript enum to object array

People also ask

How to get values from enum in TypeScript?

To get all enum values as an array, pass the enum to the Object. values() method, e.g. const values = Object. values(StringEnum) .

Can you map an enum TypeScript?

Use the map() method with Enums in TypeScript # To use the map() method with enums: Use the Object. keys() method to get an array of the enum's keys.

Is not assignable to parameter of type enum?

The error "Type string is not assignable to type Enum" occurs when we try to use a string literal in the place of an enum value. To solve the error, use dot or bracket notation to access the specific enum property or use a type assertion.

A tricky bit is that TypeScript will 'double' map the enum in the emitted object, so it can be accessed both by key and value.

enum MyEnum {
    Part1 = 0,
    Part2 = 1

will be emitted as

   Part1: 0,
   Part2: 1,
   0: 'Part1',
   1: 'Part2'

So you should filter the object first before mapping. So @Diullei 's solution has the right answer. Here is my implementation:

// Helper
const StringIsNumber = value => isNaN(Number(value)) === false;

// Turn enum into array
function ToArray(enumme) {
    return Object.keys(enumme)
        .map(key => enumme[key]);

Use it like this:

export enum GoalProgressMeasurements {


If you are using ES8

For this case only it will work perfectly fine. It will give you value array of the given enum.

enum Colors {
  WHITE = 0,
  BLACK = 1,
  BLUE = 3

const colorValueArray = Object.values(Colors); //[ 'WHITE', 'BLACK', 'BLUE', 0, 1, 3 ]

You will get colorValueArray like this [ 'WHITE', 'BLACK', 'BLUE', 0, 1, 3 ]. All the keys will be in first half of the array and all the values in second half.

Even this kind of enum will work fine

enum Operation {

But this solution will not work for Heterogeneous enums like this

enum BooleanLikeHeterogeneousEnum {
  No = 0,
  Yes = "YES",

Enums are real objects that exist at runtime. So you are able to reverse the mapping doing something like this:

let value = GoalProgressMeasurements.Not_Measured;
// => Not_Measured

Based on that you can use the following code:

export enum GoalProgressMeasurements {
    Percentage = 1,
    Numeric_Target = 2,
    Completed_Tasks = 3,
    Average_Milestone_Progress = 4,
    Not_Measured = 5

let map: {id: number; name: string}[] = [];

for(var n in GoalProgressMeasurements) {
    if (typeof GoalProgressMeasurements[n] === 'number') {
        map.push({id: <any>GoalProgressMeasurements[n], name: n});


Reference: https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/enums.html

Simply this will return an array of enum values:


Easy Solution. You can use the following function to convert your Enum to an array of objects.

 buildGoalProgressMeasurementsArray(): Object[] {

    return Object.keys(GoalProgressMeasurements)
              .map(key => ({ id: GoalProgressMeasurements[key], name: key }))

If you needed to strip that underscore off, we could use regex as follows:

buildGoalProgressMeasurementsArray(): Object[] {

    return Object.keys(GoalProgressMeasurements)
              .map(key => ({ id: GoalProgressMeasurements[key], name: key.replace(/_/g, ' ') }))