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"TypeError: (Integer) is not JSON serializable" when serializing JSON in Python?

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Is not JSON serializable Python error?

The Python "TypeError: Object of type method is not JSON serializable" occurs when we try to serialize a method to JSON. To solve the error, make sure to call the method and serialize the object that the method returns.

How do I make my Python object JSON serializable?

Use toJSON() Method to make class JSON serializable So we don't need to write custom JSONEncoder. This new toJSON() serializer method will return the JSON representation of the Object. i.e., It will convert custom Python Object to JSON string.

Is JSON serializable Python?

Serialization is the process of encoding the from naive data type to JSON format. The Python module json converts a Python dictionary object into JSON object, and list and tuple are converted into JSON array, and int and float converted as JSON number, None converted as JSON null.

I found my problem. The issue was that my integers were actually type numpy.int64.

It seems like there may be a issue to dump numpy.int64 into json string in Python 3 and the python team already have a conversation about it. More details can be found here.

There is a workaround provided by Serhiy Storchaka. It works very well so I paste it here:

def convert(o):
    if isinstance(o, numpy.int64): return int(o)  
    raise TypeError

json.dumps({'value': numpy.int64(42)}, default=convert)

as @JAC pointed out in the comments of the highest rated answer, the generic solution (for all numpy types) can be found in the thread Converting numpy dtypes to native python types.

Nevertheless, I´ll add my version of the solution below, as my in my case I needed a generic solution that combines these answers and with the answers of the other thread. This should work with almost all numpy types.

def convert(o):
    if isinstance(o, np.generic): return o.item()  
    raise TypeError

json.dumps({'value': numpy.int64(42)}, default=convert)

Just convert numbers from int64 (from numpy) to int.

For example, if variable x is a int64:


If is array of int64:

map(int, x)

You have Numpy Data Type, Just change to normal int() or float() data type. it will work fine.

This might be the late response, but recently i got the same error. After lot of surfing this solution helped me.

alerts = {'upper':[1425],'lower':[576],'level':[2],'datetime':['2012-08-08 15:30']}
def myconverter(obj):
        if isinstance(obj, np.integer):
            return int(obj)
        elif isinstance(obj, np.floating):
            return float(obj)
        elif isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
            return obj.tolist()
        elif isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime):
            return obj.__str__()

Call myconverter in json.dumps() like below. json.dumps(alerts, default=myconverter).