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How to scp in Python?

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How do I scp in Python?

Use the SCP Module to Use SCP Protocol in Python The SCP module in Python can transfer the files using the SCP1 protocol. The SCP1 protocol uses SSH1 for single file transfer. The SCP module uses the Paramiko library to securely connect remote hosts and servers using SSH.

How do I use scp to create a file?

To copy a directory (and all the files it contains), use scp with the -r option. This tells scp to recursively copy the source directory and its contents. You'll be prompted for your password on the source system ( deathstar.com ). The command won't work unless you enter the correct password.

What is scp command?

The scp command copies files or directories between a local and a remote system or between two remote systems. You can use this command from a remote system (after logging in with the ssh command) or from the local system. The scp command uses ssh for data transfer.

How do I copy files from one machine to another in python?

The easiest way to copy files from one server to another over ssh is to use the scp command. For calling scp you'd need the subprocess module.

Try the Python scp module for Paramiko. It's very easy to use. See the following example:

import paramiko
from scp import SCPClient

def createSSHClient(server, port, user, password):
    client = paramiko.SSHClient()
    client.connect(server, port, user, password)
    return client

ssh = createSSHClient(server, port, user, password)
scp = SCPClient(ssh.get_transport())

Then call scp.get() or scp.put() to do SCP operations.

(SCPClient code)

You might be interested in trying Pexpect (source code). This would allow you to deal with interactive prompts for your password.

Here's a snip of example usage (for ftp) from the main website:

# This connects to the openbsd ftp site and
# downloads the recursive directory listing.
import pexpect
child = pexpect.spawn ('ftp ftp.openbsd.org')
child.expect ('Name .*: ')
child.sendline ('anonymous')
child.expect ('Password:')
child.sendline ('[email protected]')
child.expect ('ftp> ')
child.sendline ('cd pub')
child.expect('ftp> ')
child.sendline ('get ls-lR.gz')
child.expect('ftp> ')
child.sendline ('bye')

Couldn't find a straight answer, and this "scp.Client" module doesn't exist. Instead, this suits me:

from paramiko import SSHClient
from scp import SCPClient

ssh = SSHClient()

with SCPClient(ssh.get_transport()) as scp:
   scp.put('test.txt', 'test2.txt')

You could also check out paramiko. There's no scp module (yet), but it fully supports sftp.

[EDIT] Sorry, missed the line where you mentioned paramiko. The following module is simply an implementation of the scp protocol for paramiko. If you don't want to use paramiko or conch (the only ssh implementations I know of for python), you could rework this to run over a regular ssh session using pipes.

scp.py for paramiko

if you install putty on win32 you get an pscp (putty scp).

so you can use the os.system hack on win32 too.

(and you can use the putty-agent for key-managment)

sorry it is only a hack (but you can wrap it in a python class)