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Python Remove last 3 characters of a string




Removing any and all whitespace:

foo = ''.join(foo.split())

Removing last three characters:

foo = foo[:-3]

Converting to capital letters:

foo = foo.upper()

All of that code in one line:

foo = ''.join(foo.split())[:-3].upper()

It doesn't work as you expect because strip is character based. You need to do this instead:

foo = foo.replace(' ', '')[:-3].upper()

>>> foo = "Bs12 3ab"
>>> foo[:-3]
'Bs12 '
>>> foo[:-3].strip()
>>> foo[:-3].strip().replace(" ","")
>>> foo[:-3].strip().replace(" ","").upper()

You might have misunderstood rstrip slightly, it strips not a string but any character in the string you specify.

Like this:

>>> text = "xxxxcbaabc"
>>> text.rstrip("abc")

So instead, just use

text = text[:-3] 

(after replacing whitespace with nothing)

>>> foo = 'BS1 1AB'
>>> foo.replace(" ", "").rstrip()[:-3].upper()