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How to loop through all but the last item of a list?



People also ask

How do I get all elements except last in Python?

We know that lists can be sliced in Python. We can use slicing to remove the last element from a list. The idea is to obtain a sublist containing all elements of the list except the last one. Since slice operation returns a new list, we have to assign the new list to the original list.

How do you find the last element of a for loop?

Use Counter in PHP foreach Loop Use count() to determine the total length of an array. The iteration of the counter was placed at the bottom of the foreach() loop - $x++; to execute the condition to get the first item. To get the last item, check if the $x is equal to the total length of the array.

How do you make a loop that goes through a list?

You can loop through the list items by using a while loop. Use the len() function to determine the length of the list, then start at 0 and loop your way through the list items by referring to their indexes.

for x in y[:-1]

If y is a generator, then the above will not work.

the easiest way to compare the sequence item with the following:

for i, j in zip(a, a[1:]):
     # compare i (the current) to j (the following)

If you want to get all the elements in the sequence pair wise, use this approach (the pairwise function is from the examples in the itertools module).

from itertools import tee, izip, chain

def pairwise(seq):
    a,b = tee(seq)
    return izip(a,b)

for current_item, next_item in pairwise(y):
    if compare(current_item, next_item):
        # do what you have to do

If you need to compare the last value to some special value, chain that value to the end

for current, next_item in pairwise(chain(y, [None])):

if you meant comparing nth item with n+1 th item in the list you could also do with

>>> for i in range(len(list[:-1])):
...     print list[i]>list[i+1]

note there is no hard coding going on there. This should be ok unless you feel otherwise.

To compare each item with the next one in an iterator without instantiating a list:

import itertools
it = (x for x in range(10))
data1, data2 = itertools.tee(it)
for a, b in itertools.izip(data1, data2):
  print a, b

This answers what the OP should have asked, i.e. traverse a list comparing consecutive elements (excellent SilentGhost answer), yet generalized for any group (n-gram): 2, 3, ... n:

zip(*(l[start:] for start in range(0, n)))


l = range(0, 4)  # [0, 1, 2, 3]

list(zip(*(l[start:] for start in range(0, 2)))) # == [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)]
list(zip(*(l[start:] for start in range(0, 3)))) # == [(0, 1, 2), (1, 2, 3)]
list(zip(*(l[start:] for start in range(0, 4)))) # == [(0, 1, 2, 3)]
list(zip(*(l[start:] for start in range(0, 5)))) # == []


  • l[start:] generates a a list/generator starting from index start
  • *list or *generator: passes all elements to the enclosing function zip as if it was written zip(elem1, elem2, ...)


AFAIK, this code is as lazy as it can be. Not tested.