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Deleting multiple elements from a list




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How do I remove multiple data from a list?

Remove Multiple elements from list by index range using del. Suppose we want to remove multiple elements from a list by index range, then we can use del keyword i.e. It will delete the elements in list from index1 to index2 – 1.

Which function is used to delete multiple elements of a list?

For removing multiple elements from a list by index range we can use del operator.

Can you remove multiple values in list Python?

Multiple elements can be deleted from a list in Python, based on the knowledge we have about the data. Like, we just know the values to be deleted or also know the indexes of those values.

For some reason I don't like any of the answers here. Yes, they work, but strictly speaking most of them aren't deleting elements in a list, are they? (But making a copy and then replacing the original one with the edited copy).

Why not just delete the higher index first?

Is there a reason for this? I would just do:

for i in sorted(indices, reverse=True):
    del somelist[i]

If you really don't want to delete items backwards, then I guess you should just deincrement the indices values which are greater than the last deleted index (can't really use the same index since you're having a different list) or use a copy of the list (which wouldn't be 'deleting' but replacing the original with an edited copy).

Am I missing something here, any reason to NOT delete in the reverse order?

You can use enumerate and remove the values whose index matches the indices you want to remove:

indices = 0, 2
somelist = [i for j, i in enumerate(somelist) if j not in indices]

If you're deleting multiple non-adjacent items, then what you describe is the best way (and yes, be sure to start from the highest index).

If your items are adjacent, you can use the slice assignment syntax:

a[2:10] = []

You can use numpy.delete as follows:

import numpy as np
a = ['a', 'l', 3.14, 42, 'u']
I = [0, 2]
np.delete(a, I).tolist()
# Returns: ['l', '42', 'u']

If you don't mind ending up with a numpy array at the end, you can leave out the .tolist(). You should see some pretty major speed improvements, too, making this a more scalable solution. I haven't benchmarked it, but numpy operations are compiled code written in either C or Fortran.

As a specialisation of Greg's answer, you can even use extended slice syntax. eg. If you wanted to delete items 0 and 2:

>>> a= [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> del a[0:3:2]
>>> a
[1, 3, 4]

This doesn't cover any arbitrary selection, of course, but it can certainly work for deleting any two items.

As a function:

def multi_delete(list_, *args):
    indexes = sorted(list(args), reverse=True)
    for index in indexes:
        del list_[index]
    return list_

Runs in n log(n) time, which should make it the fastest correct solution yet.

So, you essentially want to delete multiple elements in one pass? In that case, the position of the next element to delete will be offset by however many were deleted previously.

Our goal is to delete all the vowels, which are precomputed to be indices 1, 4, and 7. Note that its important the to_delete indices are in ascending order, otherwise it won't work.

to_delete = [1, 4, 7]
target = list("hello world")
for offset, index in enumerate(to_delete):
  index -= offset
  del target[index]

It'd be a more complicated if you wanted to delete the elements in any order. IMO, sorting to_delete might be easier than figuring out when you should or shouldn't subtract from index.