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Read password from stdin

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How do I prompt a password in bash?

#!/bin/bash echo "Enter Username : " # read username and echo username in terminal read username echo "Enter Password : " # password is read in silent mode i.e. it will # show nothing instead of password. read -s password echo echo "Your password is read in silent mode."

What is passwd Stdin?

passwd --stdin <username>This option indicates that passwd should read the new password from standard input, which can be a pipe. For example: # echo "userpasswd1"|passwd --stdin user1.

How do I enter a password in Linux terminal?

First sign on or “su” or “sudo” to the “root” account on Linux, run: sudo -i. Then type, passwd tom to change a password for tom user. The system will prompt you to enter a password twice.

>>> import getpass
>>> pw = getpass.getpass()

Yes, getpass: "Prompt the user for a password without echoing."

Edit: I had not played with this module myself yet, so this is what I just cooked up (wouldn't be surprised if you find similar code all over the place, though):

import getpass

def login():
    user = input("Username [%s]: " % getpass.getuser())
    if not user:
        user = getpass.getuser()

    pprompt = lambda: (getpass.getpass(), getpass.getpass('Retype password: '))

    p1, p2 = pprompt()
    while p1 != p2:
        print('Passwords do not match. Try again')
        p1, p2 = pprompt()

    return user, p1

(This is Python 3.x; use raw_input instead of input when using Python 2.x.)