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Turn off HTML Encoding in Razor

I have a function that returns a snippet of JavaScript and/or HTML.

static public string SpeakEvil() {     return "<script>alert('BLAH!!');</script>"; } 

In the view, Razor is quite rightly HTML encoding it, as most would expect.


How do I have Razor not HTML Encode this, so that the HTML and JavaScript are emitted verbatim, and that any script actually runs?

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Damien Sawyer Avatar asked Feb 11 '11 20:02

Damien Sawyer

2 Answers

You could use the Raw() function but it's mostly meant for things that come from the database.

For a helper like you have I would suggest returning an IHtmlString:

static public IHtmlString SpeakEvil() {     return new HtmlString("<script>alert('BLAH!!');</script>"); } 

That way you don't have have to call Raw() at every callsite.

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marcind Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09


Use the Html.Raw helper.

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Oded Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 15:09
