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How do I maintain ModelState errors when using RedirectToAction?

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How do you preserve ModelState errors across RedirectToAction?

Basically, use TempData to save and restore the ModelState object. However, it's a lot cleaner if you abstract this away into attributes. E.g. If you also want to pass the model along in TempData (as bigb suggested) then you can still do that too.

Which property is used to determine an error in ModelState?

Errors property and the ModelState. IsValid property. They're used for the second function of ModelState : to store the errors found in the submitted values.

How do I know if my ModelState is valid?

Below the Form, the ModelState. IsValid property is checked and if the Model is valid, then the value if the ViewBag object is displayed using Razor syntax in ASP.Net MVC.

What is ModelState IsValid method where we use it?

ModelState. IsValid indicates if it was possible to bind the incoming values from the request to the model correctly and whether any explicitly specified validation rules were broken during the model binding process. In your example, the model that is being bound is of class type Encaissement .

The PRG pattern is ok, but I did this:

Base controller:

protected override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
    if (TempData["ModelState"] != null && !ModelState.Equals(TempData["ModelState"]))


Action (I'm using xVal):

catch (RulesException rex)
    // on bad login
    rex.AddModelStateErrors(ModelState, "user");
    TempData["ModelState"] = ModelState;
    return Redirect(Request.UrlReferrer.ToString());

The action throws an exception, adds the ModelState to TempData and redirects back to the referrer. Since the action is caught, OnActionExecuted is still executed, but the first time around the ModelState is the same as TempData["ModelState"], so you don't want to merge with yourself. When the redirect action is executed, OnActionExecuted fires again. This time, if there's anything in TempData["ModelState"], it merges with this action's ModelState.

You could expand it to multiple models by using TempData["ModelState.user"] = ModelState and then merging every TempData object that starts with ModelState..

I know this thread is old, but this blog about ASP.NET Best Practices has some excellent suggestions.
#13 on the page deals with using 2 Action filters to save and restore ModelState between redirects.

This is the pattern that my work uses, and I love it.

Here's the simplified example:

public ActionResult Dashboard()
    return View();

[AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post), ExportModelStateToTempData]
public ActionResult Dashboard(string data)
    if (ValidateData(data))
        catch (Exception e)
            ModelState.AddModelError(ModelStateException, e);

    return RedirectToAction("Dashboard");

this blog post describes how you could implement the PRG-Pattern in MVC http://blog.simonlovely.com/archive/2008/11/26/post-redirect-get-pattern-in-mvc.aspx


Use the TempData[] Collection

The tempdata is stored from one request to the next, then its gone.