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Send list/array as parameter with jQuery getJson

I have the following where I'm trying to send list/array to MVC controller method:

var id = []; var inStock = [];  $table.find('tbody>tr').each(function() {     id.push($(this).find('.id').text());     inStock.push($(this).find('.stocked').attr('checked')); });  var params = {}; params.ids = id; params.stocked = inStock;   $.getJSON('MyApp/UpdateStockList', params, function() {     alert('finished'); });     

in my contoller:

public JsonResult UpdateStockList(int[] ids, bool[] stocked) { } 

both paramaters are null.

Note that if I change the params to single items

params.ids = 1; params.stocked = true;   public JsonResult UpdateStockList(int ids, bool stocked) { } 

then it works ok, so I don't think it's a routing issue.

like image 551
fearofawhackplanet Avatar asked Sep 09 '10 13:09


2 Answers

Try setting the traditional flag:

$.ajax({     url: '/home/UpdateStockList',     data: { ids: [1, 2, 3], stocked: [true, false] },     traditional: true,     success: function(result) {         alert(result.status);     } }); 

works fine with:

public ActionResult UpdateStockList(int[] ids, bool[] stocked) {     return Json(new { status = "OK" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } 
like image 150
Darin Dimitrov Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 22:09

Darin Dimitrov

Besides calling .ajax() instead of .getJSON() as Darin suggests or setting the global jQuery.ajaxSettings.traditional to true as jrduncans suggests, you can also pass the result of calling the jQuery .param() function on your params object:

var id = []; var inStock = [];  $table.find('tbody>tr').each(function() {     id.push($(this).find('.id').text());     inStock.push($(this).find('.stocked').attr('checked')); });  var params = {}; params.ids = id; params.stocked = inStock;   $.getJSON('MyApp/UpdateStockList', $.param(params, true), function() {     alert('finished'); });     
like image 27
hippietrail Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 22:09
