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Remove a service in ASP.Net Core Dependency Injection [duplicate]

In an Asp.Net MVC Core (early versions, versions 1.0 or 1.1), dependency injection bindings are configured as follow in the Startup.cs class :

public class Startup {     public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)     {         services.AddScoped<IMyService, MyService>();         // ...     } } 

In my applications, I usually have a base Startup class, where generic bindings are defined as a sequence of these lines :

public abstract class BaseStartup {     public virtual void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)     {         services.AddScoped<IMyService1, MyService1>();         services.AddScoped<IMyService2, MyService2>();     } } 

Then in my application, I inherit the startup class, and inject other services as well :

public class Startup : BaseStartup {     public override void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)     {         base.ConfigureServices(services);          services.AddScoped<IMyService3, MyService3>();         services.AddScoped<IMyService4, MyService4>();     } } 

I now wonder : how can I kind of 'override' a previous binding ? I would like, for instance, to either remove, or modify a binding defined in the base class, like :

services.Remove<IMyService1>(); // Doesn't exist services.AddScoped<IMyService1, MyBetterService1>(); 

Or simply update the binding :

services.AddScoped<IMyService1, MyBetterService1>(replacePreviousBinding: true); // Doesn't exist either ! 

Is there a way to do that ? Or maybe simply declaring a new binding with the same interface as a previously defined binding will override that binding ?

like image 290
kall2sollies Avatar asked Mar 22 '17 08:03


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When you make it explicit, you've got basically two options: 1. Configure the DI to return transient objects and dispose these objects yourself. 2. Configure a factory and instruct the factory to create new instances.

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Use Transient lifetime for the lightweight service with little or no state. Scoped services service is the better option when you want to maintain state within a request. Singletons are created only once and not destroyed until the end of the Application. Any memory leaks in these services will build up over time.

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Disposable transient services are captured by the container for disposal. This can turn into a memory leak if resolved from the top-level container. Enable scope validation to make sure the app doesn't have singletons that capture scoped services.

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AddScoped(IServiceCollection, Type, Type) Adds a scoped service of the type specified in serviceType with an implementation of the type specified in implementationType to the specified IServiceCollection.

1 Answers

You can use normal collection API to remove your services:

services.AddScoped<IService>();  var serviceDescriptor = services.FirstOrDefault(descriptor => descriptor.ServiceType == typeof(IService)); services.Remove(serviceDescriptor); 

Also you can create extension methods to achieve the same:

public static class ServiceCollectionExtensions {     public static IServiceCollection Remove<T>(this IServiceCollection services)     {         if (services.IsReadOnly)         {             throw new ReadOnlyException($"{nameof(services)} is read only");         }          var serviceDescriptor = services.FirstOrDefault(descriptor => descriptor.ServiceType == typeof(T));         if (serviceDescriptor != null) services.Remove(serviceDescriptor);          return services;     } } 
like image 194
Andrii Litvinov Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 09:09

Andrii Litvinov