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TortoiseHg Apply a Patch

TortoiseHg allows you to email a patch file of your changes to someone, but does it support applying patches?

If so, how do you apply a patch using TortoiseHg?

like image 960
Michael La Voie Avatar asked Sep 09 '09 22:09

Michael La Voie

2 Answers

From Repository Explorer, Repository > Import...

like image 148
Tim Scott Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 18:10

Tim Scott

It looks like there is no built-in support in TortoiseHg for this. Try this from a command prompt:

hg import my-patch-file.patch 

That should apply the patch to your Mercurial repo and working copy.

First Stab Answer

You should be able to right-click on the patch file and choose "Apply patch..." - that's how it works for other TortoiseX clients. Make sure that you save the patch file to the same directory path it was generated from.

Downloading TortoiseHg 0.8.1 to test...

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Will Bickford Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 18:10

Will Bickford