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Mercurial - all files that changed in a changeset?

How can you determine all the files that changed in a given changeset?

I'm not looking for a diff in this case, just a list of add/remove/modifications.

hg log -vprX does a list of diffs but I just want the files.

like image 538
Marcus Leon Avatar asked Sep 24 '10 17:09

Marcus Leon

People also ask

What HG command shows a list of changed files?

If you are using the terminal in windows add hg status --rev x:y > your-file. txt to save the list to a file. To only see changes in the current directory: hg status --rev x:y .

What is mercurial changeset?

A changeset (sometimes abbreviated "cset") is an atomic collection of changes to files in a repository. It contains all recorded local modification that lead to a new revision of the repository. A changeset is identified uniquely by a changeset ID. In a single repository, you can identify it using a revision number.

1 Answers

If you want to list only files that have changed then you should be using "status command" The following will list the changes to files in revision REV

hg status --change REV 
like image 135
pyfunc Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 06:09
